Wednesday 20 February 2013

National Postgraduate Study and Funding Fair

Today I attended one of the seven 'National Postgraduate Study and Funding Fairs' at The University of Birmingham. The event is held on behalf of The employment website work towards helping provide 'the best possible start to your career' and is dedicated to supporting undergraduates and graduates looking to take those very important FIRST steps into what many may want to refer to as a 'proper' job. also provides a particular focus towards finding the right POSTGRADUATE opportunity for YOU! Holding events such as the National Postgraduate Study and Funding Fair to give students and graduates the opportunities to meet and talk to representatives from in excess of 100 universities.


Chris Phillips organizer and founder of the event was on hand to provide a seminar to students and graduates regarding - 'Funding your postgraduate study'. Having attended this seminar I would highly recommend it to anybody concerned about whether or not they have access too or are eligible for post-graduate funding. 

The seminar covered a range of different disciplines the most important being to ASK yourself...

- Will your post-graduate study give you an ADVANTAGE?
- What about the cost? Is their FUNDING available?
- Is your course REALLY essential to your industry?
- Is the course VALUED by potential future employers?
- Is the university HIGHLY-REGARDED?

What I most appreciated about the seminar was that it was completely unbiased towards or against postgraduate study. You was not made to feel as though postgraduate study was essential for ultimate success nor was you made to feel like it was completely unachievable - Something I believe is felt by many(myself included) due to how daunting the cost can seem, without the knowledge of the funding opportunities available.

If like myself you are considering postgraduate study its not to LATE... You still have plenty of time to apply and their are still National Postgraduate Study and Funding Fairs running in the following Cities:

- University of Sheffield: 28th February 2013

- Victoria House London: 7th March 2013

You can find out more about and The National Postgraduate Study and Funding Fair by clicking on the links below:

Target Jobs:

National Postgraduate Study and Funding Fairs: 


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