Monday 30 September 2013

Not got that dream job yet... So what?

So you haven't got your dream job yet? So what darling don't worry about it... 

How many of you reading this post have your DREAM job? How many of you have the job you worked your arse off to get but find yourself living for the weekend? And how many of you have your 'dream' job... But are finding that it doesn't quite live up to all that you had envisioned? 

The harsh reality is that we ALL fit into one of these scenarios... And if not now in the future we will have at some point found ourselves at the forefront in each of these situations WISHING, WORKING FOR AND WANTING MORE!!! 

Despite being in control of your own destiny and all that crap, we all have to make sacrifices, come to a compromise and live within our means just to meet the demands of the monthly finances and that is exactly what I am doing! I'm proud to say I pay my way, and I'm proud to say I work forty plus hours a week in a job I never wished on in my 'when a grow up...' presentation I gave in pigtails and a pinafore dress at primary school! I'm not going to make out I have these opinions because I was hard done by, because I never have been and in fact growing up I guess some would say I was pretty spoilt, and I've done my fair share of working for free to gain experience and being supported by my parents while I do so but I was also taught the meaning of gratitude and the art of appreciation.

I'm committed to supporting myself and from time to time I have to support my loved ones around me too, honouring them with the same support owed so graciously from the support I've received in the decisions I've made. I also feel privileged to be able to provide for myself and treat my friend's to lunch every now and again or purchase a cute little 'just because it made me think of you gift' - soppy I know and many will say 'well that's just a waste of money' (usually my Dad, bless him he's the responsible one) but the feeling that you worked hard for eight, ten and sometimes too many hours a day; time you're never going to get back, for the feeling of opening that pay packet at the end of the month... Well that, that feeling I think you'll all agree is priceless (Sorry MasterCard). 

Whether our decisions and impulse buying be financially sensible or not (a lot of the time 'not'... but thats the fun part isn't it?) I'd like to take time to justify the 'work hard, play hard' mantra - I'm not just referring to spending £50 too much on a pair of shoes or purchasing that investment 'designer' hand-bag with a designer price tag (this is really a fashion blog after all). I am specifically talking about the forever increasing daily cost of living. I'm not the first to blog about this and I'll in no way be the last, but this post isn't me as an opportunist having a rant about the dyer state of our economy. It's more personal than that, it's about the snobbery thrust upon me from those who have no right to look down on you for getting up off your backside to do your not so 'dream' job. Those people especially who have had a career handed to them on a plate or were born with a silver spoon in their mouths, I've got friends who have worked hard for their position in the media and I'm so PROUD! But we all know those people that walk around with their nose so high in the sky that if they came across a bump in the pavement they would face plant the floor... And well we shouldn't but we'd have a little giggle at their expense wouldn't we! 

There's a famous quote by fashion model Linda Evangelista that reads "I don't get out of bed for less than $10,000 a day" I have a t-shirt with this printed on it, it's a parody that I should wear it for bed, or wear it at all but the Canadian model famous for her many Vogue Italia covers, I'm sure worked her arse off too and she was obviously just very LUCKY and very BEAUTIFUL!

Over time and more recently I've been challenged by much of my family, many friends, questionable friends and strangers who just want to strike up a conversation with me (That happens a lot - do I have a face that looks like I want to elaborate with you? Maybe!). They ask so what are you doing with your degree? Why are you doing that job? And the worst one! Oh the worst one is and where do you see yourself in 10 years? That's the worst question isn't it girls? The one we all dread! Well if we knew the answer to that life for the next 10 years would be pretty predictable and really damn boring! I publicly joked on twitter the other day that all my friends hate their jobs so we should just all give up and have lots of babies instead - I'm sure their will come a time for that... when you can say your children are your biggest achievement but thats not to come before the fulfilment that comes from working for a living and earning your OWN money!

It's perfectly acceptable to think you are capable of more but to think you are BETTER than a job, that really REALLY angers me and is just snobbery in it's entirety. I've had friends very good friends tell me not to 'waste' my capabilities, they have abruptly told me 'you know you should be working somewhere better' and 'you know you can do better' maybe it's a type of reverse psychology. I've been persuaded to think my job(s) are below me, but I thank those in my life that have taught me the value of equality, rather than the art of snobbery. I work in a call centre OFFICE a clean environment with some great people... REAL people not snobs and I'd like to think not people that are going to stab you in the back, I'm not saying I'm going to work there forever but at the minute I'm comfortable, I'd even like to assume from feedback I'm doing pretty well there and I'm having fun in my personal life so I'll say it again... don't worry about it darling! 

The harsh reality is that you should never think you're better than the job, did Sir Alan Sugar ever think he was better than anyone, or too special to rise before the crack of dawn... NO?! He too worked, and worked hard to build his empire that he has today - In my opinion your happiness is built by those around you, you probably spend more time with your work colleagues than you do the man you marry... and so i propose a question - When has snobbery ever paid the bills? The truth is that money DOES make the world go round and it does take the pressure off but thinking you are too good to do a job that disgusts me and I urge you not to take this opinion lightly we all have an idea about the jobs we enjoy and the jobs we hate and have left saying 'That just wasn't for me...' and that is perfectly fine, everybody is entitled to their opinion and likes different things but to leave saying 'That jobs just below me...'- Who the HELL do you think you ARE???

I conclude with this statement - 'Hard work and working hard is admirable, but putting yourself on a pedestal doesn't and never will pay the bills darling...'

Words Nathalie Dawe